Welcome to the website of the Potsdam section of the Free Workers‘ Union (FAU) Berlin! The FAU is a grassroots anarcho-syndicalist union. In the summer of 2024, a Potsdam section of the Berlin Syndicate was formed from the members of the former syndicate in Potsdam. As a result, we now have both an anarcho-syndicalist structure in Potsdam and are a solid part of the larger, and therefore more resourceful, union in the neighboring city.
For us, union organizing is a necessary matter of course, otherwise there is nothing to win for us in capitalism. Together we fight against exploitation and bad working conditions. Nevertheless, our long-term goal is the abolition of wage labor. The FAU is a union for all dependent workers – also and especially people in precarious employment relationships. As unemployed or humans in unpaid or illegal employment relationships we can organize. Join in and let us fight bosses and capital together!

General assembly
Once per month we come together and discuss everything that happens in the FAU Potsdam at that time! Of course you can visit us, even if you’re not yet a member of the FAU. The general assembly takes place every last Tuesday evening of the month. If you want to take part, simply send us an email to faup-kontakt[aett]fau.org. We are always happy to have guests and get to know new people.

Union Consultation
Once per week there is the possibility to come to our consultation. Here we deal with problems at work, but also with the employment office. Together we check in how far and by which means we can become active with the union, which risks and chances our plans have, and which other partners– for example lawyers – we still need to consult.
If you want to pass by, let us know briefly by mail: faup-sprechstunde[aett]fau.org