Becoming a member of the FAU is not difficult.
There are three ways.

#1 – “live and in color”

You come to our general assembly. Here you can fill in the membership application form, tell us why you want to join, and, if you even pay your first contribution, everything’s already done.

#2 – Pen and Paper

You print the PDF file and fill in the form. You can send it by mail to the stated address, scanned by email to faup-mitglieder{aett}, or you simply come to a general assembly with the form.

Download application form as pdf

#3 – Online form

You fill in the membership application form below and we will contact you. But: We are curious and want to get to know new members! That’s why we invite you to come to our next general assembly.

Note: In every case you’re eligible to vote only after you payed your contribution. If you don’t have any money, talk to us. There is the possibility to suspend or lower membership contributions. Members under arrest don’t have to pay generally.

    Application Form

    After sending the form off, you’ll receive a mail in which you'll find further steps.
    Let’s go…

    Personal Information

    Please enter an email address by which we can reach you reliably.

    You don’t have to enter your phone number. But if you have an immediate issue that needs to be resolved, it would be useful.

    Job and work information

    It’s important for us to know which profession you’re practicing or which profession you’ve learned or are learning at the moment. Then it will be easier for us to network Union members that may have similar problems and objectives. Employers are not allowed to become members.

    Almost done… Four questions about your membership

    Note: Your membership application can only come into effect at the earliest after our next general assembly

    The amount of your contribution depends on your net wage, but amounts to a minimum of 7 Euros. Please enter 1% of your net wage here. Members in jail don’t have to pay any contribution. If you can’t afford 7 Euros either, please contact us.

    You can transfer your contribution, we will send you the account information after you having sent the form by email. It’s also possible to deliver the contribution personally (in cash). Please bear in mind that your membership will normally begin only after you paid your first contribution.

    Notes regarding data handling

    Your data will be filed on an encrypted server after the transmission to the email server. You can always inform us by email (faup-mitglieder[aett] or for example at a general assembly to delete parts of your data. But we need your contact data until the end of your membership to administrate our members.

    The FAU works according to certain principles and basic values . This includes that we reject capitalism and mutually aid ourselves and be solidary. You can only become a member if you agree with this. That’s why you should familiarize yourself with the principles and foundations of the FAU before.